The Christmas story is a familiar one to us. It culminates with the birth of our Saviour in the little village of Bethlehem of Judea, which had a population of around 300 at the time.
Why Bethlehem and not a seemingly more suitable site for Jesus' entry into this world?
In this special Christmas devotional from Jim Showers, executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, learn more about the significance of the house of bread—Bethlehem—as you prepare your heart and mind for the celebration of Christ's birth this year.
As we approach Christmas and celebrate the birth of Messiah Jesus, I wonder if our view of the baby Jesus restricts our understanding of Christ’s sufficiency for all believers. Jesus did not fit with Jewish expectations because they anticipated a conquering king, whereas Christians may neglect this aspect of His identity by focusing on His humiliation on earth.
The Feasts-Israel’s GPS
There is a destiny and destination revealed throughout history for humanity and nowhere is that idea more apparent than in the unfolding drama of the Jewish people.
Whether you are keeping the Passover this week, or attending church this Easter weekend, you must receive Jesus the Messiah as your Saviour to receive salvation from God.
“Are We There Yet?”
As the kilometres pass and hours of travel blur into what seems like a never-ending journey, children typically ask that most pressing of travel questions, “Are we there yet?” Every parent knows this scenario, and in response, we try to distract them or entertain them or assure them of the great blessings they’ll receive when the ‘ordeal’ is over.
As Bible-believing Christians, we too wonder when the journey will be over, when all the prophecies of Scripture concerning the end times will be fulfilled, and we can experience the great blessings of Messiah’s return.
Messiah in Isaiah–Study Seven
Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, God led the Jewish prophet Isaiah to describe Him so clearly that the people of Israel – and the world – would recognise the Messiah. The incontestable accuracy of Isaiah 53 is a “stand-out” example of a “proof passage” that the Bible is the inerrant (therefore trustworthy) Word of God.