The Mission’s Beginnings
1991 - 2003
Graeme & Ann Harrison - Inaugural Australian Representatives
Graeme Harrison’s graduation from Adelaide College of Minsitries (ACM) coincided with the first visit to Australia of Friends of Israel (FOI) International Ministries Director David Levy who was seeking to expand FOI’s work to Australia.
Following a meeting with David, Graeme was invited to immediately follow up his ACM studies with 6 months in New Jersey at IBS (Institute of Biblical Studies) which was FOI’s Bible College located at that time at FOI headquarters.
So together with his family Graeme moved to the USA for six months where he trained at IBS and in the field with local FOI missionaries and was orientated to FOI’s ethos through daily interaction at the headquarters. A study tour to Israel as part of the IBS course was a highlight of his time preparing for FOI ministry.
Upon returning to Australia Graeme immediately “hit the road” travelling around Australia promoting the work. Through pulpit ministry and his passion as a musician, Graeme would provide full Passover demonstration meals in churches and promote the many resources including the flagship magazine, Israel My Glory.
In addition to his field ministry, Graeme managed the FOI bookstore he set-up in the iconic Adelaide Arcade situated in the prime shopping district in the centre of Adelaide. It was here the gospel was faithfully proclaimed and many resources were purchased by those wanting to understand what the Bible has to say about Israel.
In 2004 Graeme was called back to his family’s music business with Dr. Deane Woods taking up the position as Australian Ministry Representative based in Adelaide.

The Mission’s Growth
2004 - 2022
“I received a call from our worker in Australia saying that Dr. Deane Woods was finishing his time as the Principal of Adelaide College of Ministries and he would be available for any part time teaching with Friends of Israel. I said, well, I don’t want him just part time, I want him full time.”
Dr. Deane & Margaret Wood - Australian Representatives (2004 - 2022)
Dr Deane & Margaret Woods joined FOI in 2004 after Deane had served as Principal of Adelaide College of Ministries (ACM) for the past 18 years. Together they immediately embarked on developing new initiatives and partnerships in Australia, New Zealand, SE Asia, Israel and the US. Some of that work included…
Hosting Israeli Backpackers in their homes initially in Adelaide and then in Sydney
Taking Bible study tours to Israel
Introducing The Australian Shofar (See the archives of The Australian Shofar Here)
Conducting Bible teaching throughout Australia, NZ, US and Asia
Recruiting Representatives throughout Australia and New Zealand
The Expansion of FOI-Australia & NZ
With the Australian office established and well staffed in Adelaide, Dr. Deane and Margaret relocated to Sydney to help reach a broader east coast population.
2009 saw Kevin Vigus appointed as the Ministry Representative baed in Perth WA. Along with wife Lorene, Kevin has established the work of FOI in the West through clear biblical teaching on Israel and demonstrating a clear love for the Jewish community. Learn more about Kevin Vigus
It was through contact with the Woods that Mark & Kathy Rogers joined FOI in 2015 beginning in Newcastle before relocating to Melbourne a short time later that year as Victorian Ministry Representatives. Learn more about Mark Rogers
Simon Lawry answered a text message from Deane in 2015 at a time when he was seeking God for a new chapter. This ultimately resulted in Simon & Jo Lawry joining FOI in May 2016 in Adelaide where they lived before moving to New Zealand soon after where they would reopen the work of FOI-New Zealand. Learn more about Simon & Jo Lawry
As with almost all the Ministry Representative appointments, it was relationships established while Dr. Deane was Principal at ACM that resulted in the missions growth.
This was also the case with the appointment of Dr. Les Crawford. Following the closure of ACM where he served for many years Les joined FOI to oversee the Adelaide Office in conjunction with his role as SA Ministry Rep. In 2023 Les was appointed as the FOI Australian Director. Learn more about Dr. Les Crawford
Colin Lituri was finishing up after 24 years as a pastor in WA with the view of moving back to Queensland where he and wife Sharyn were originally from. After a number of discussions with Dr. Deane Woods and following the FOI acceptance process, Colin became the Queensland Ministry Rep. Learn more about Colin & Sharyn Lituri
After faithfully serving with FOI for 18 years Deane and Margaret retired in June 2022.
At the beginning of 2022 following a sovereign interaction with Les Crawford, Lyndon Beasy was accepted as the replacement in New South Wales.

One of many teaching tours to Israel