Mark Rogers
Ministry Representative - Victoria & Tasmania
I began my ministry life as an evangelist working in the Anglican Church Army for 17 years ministering with youth, children, community outreach and hospital patients.
My wife Kathy and I were called to ministry with FOI in 2015 through Dr Deane Woods (FOI’s Former Australian Director). I was a Pastor in the Churches of Christ and a Baptist Care aged care Chaplain at the time. After a year in our home town of Newcastle NSW during which I would preach at local churches and make weekly visits to the local synagogue. I would also make weekly 5-hour round-trip journeys to sing for the residents at a Jewish Nursing home in Sydney’s North.

Towards the end of 2015 another call came from FOI for the Rogers to relocate to Melbourne where Australia’s largest Jewish population resides. This move was both a challenge and a joy to them as they sold up their home and bought a new one in the Western suburbs of the city to begin this adventure in a new environment.
Since moving, God has opened many amazing opportunities to minister through music and friendship to the elderly folk in the Jewish Aged Care homes in the Eastern suburbs where around 55,000 Jewish people live in what is sometimes called ”the Bagel Belt”. Kosher butchers, Jewish bakers, cafès and restaurants and 53 synagogues(!) make for a fascinating insight into Jewish culture and religion with almost every Jewish sub-denomination represented.
Because I had worked for 15 years in the field of Aged Care for many years it was a natural decision to reach out with my music programs to the Jewish Aged Care homes. I remember the first time I rang the Lifestyle Coordinator at Gary Smorgon House and explained what I was hoping to do. Without hesitation she said, “When can you come!!??” This was the beginning of many precious interactions, music programs and deep friendships with residents, staff and family members, who are often shocked when they find out about his Christian faith and his long journeys across the city from West to East each week to bring them some joy and friendship. Many of these dear people are among the last of the world’s Holocaust survivors. And not only the residents, but also family members, staff and even the resident rabbi occasionally join in with the singing!!

To the Church
I have an active preaching schedule around churches in Victoria and occasionally in Tasmania focussing on God's plan for His Covenant People Israel, Christian Doctrine, the Prophetic Scriptures, the Promises concerning the Messiah and the state of play in the Middle east and globally.
I also write and sing my own songs (often with a Hebrew flavour) as part of this ministry to the Church.
I am also an Elder at my local church where I preach, lead worship and regularly meet with others for mutual fellowship, encouragement and prayer.
To the World
Through outreach at The Royal Melbourne Show each September.
I am also involved in our English as a Second Language program where my contribution is to help our (mostly Chinese) students to learn English by singing.
I have also been given a Wyndham City Busking Permit.
I look back and I see how much the Lord has sovereignly intervened in my life and opened doors of ministry that I had never anticipated. Kathy and I are so thankful for His many blessings.
And so, “HEVENU SHALOM ALEICHEM!” - “We bring peace to you” in Yeshua's Name!
Thank you for your Prayers
Continuing openings of opportunities to comfort the Jewish people in Melbourne.
Good health for Kathy and myself
The Holy Spirit’s guidance as I prepare messages and preach at churches.
Continued Creativity in the use of music to reach the unsaved.
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Mark & Kathy, as with all our field representatives live by faith and the provisions supplied by the generosity of others wanting to share in our work.