Australian Director’s Update
Dear Friends,
Christmas greetings in the name of Messiah Jesus. I recently preached in my home church on Jesus – the Light of the World (John 8:12-20) as part of a series on the “I am” statements in John’s gospel. The Bible describes this world as a spiritually dark place, which the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack on Israel graphically exhibited. How thankful I am that Jesus came into this world to dispel the darkness (John 1:5) and that the gospel penetrates the darkness of human hearts (2 Corinthians 4:6), as it did mine some fifty years ago. This is our prayer for all involved in the war in Gaza, as well as Ukraine.
As followers of Messiah, we are also lights in the darkness, exposing its unfruitful works (Ephesians 5:7-11). It was a privilege to stand alongside the Adelaide Jewish community at a rally to free the hostages and support of Israel on two Sunday afternoons. At the second rally, several hundred pro-Palestinian protestors surrounded us, who had been rallying at another location but transited through the mall to where we were. Thankfully, a strong police presence, with five mounted on horseback, kept a cordon around us to prevent any physical clash. The verbal onslaught was deafening. This was one of many episodes of intentional intimidation directed at the Jewish community in Australia. They need our personal support to communicate they are not alone.
In response to the Hamas terrorist attack, our Australian supporters have given over $100,000 to the Israel Relief Fund so that we can assist Israelis with practical necessities, such as food, security upgrades, medical supplies, and accommodation. Thank you for your part in prayer for Israel, providing funds, and standing with Israel in a context of rising anti-Semitism.
We had to cancel our planned October/November tour to Israel and Jordan, but we were thankful to avoid being there during the war. Our disappointment is nothing compared to the anguish and sorrow of Israel, including our Israeli staff in Jerusalem and Rehovot. We are thankful that they were safe, but they now have family on active duty in the Israel Defence Force. We are praying daily for their safety.
We held our annual staff conference at our new Adelaide office in November with Ministry representatives from WA, Vic, NSW, Qld and SA, along with our office staff working together through our strategic plan, reviewing the past year and planning for the years ahead, God willing.
FOI-Aust Staff Conference L-R. Edy Lok (Finance Assist), Colin Lituri (QLD Field), Simon Lawry (Ministry Development AU/NZ), Mark Rogers (Vic Field), Margretta Hutchison (Office Admin), Lyndon Beasy (NSW Field), Kevin Vigus (WA Field), Les Crawford (SA Field & National Director); Les & Elizabeth Crawford at Adelaide Israel Solidarity Rally, Bomb Shelters being delivered in Israel, Leket - Israel’s National Food Bank, Emergency Relief Supplies for affected communities in Israel, Magen David Adom - First Responder Vehicles
We are planning a prophecy conference in Sydney on a weekend in June (exact date to be finalised). Keep a look out for the details and consider joining us.
Finally, we could not serve the Jewish people and minister in churches without your faithful support in prayer and finances. Thank you for standing with us as we stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
Your prayer and financial support for FOI-A is greatly appreciated and needed. With you, our ministry is resourced and people are blessed. Thank you!
Your servant for Messiah Jesus,
Les Crawford
Australian Director
PS. As a way to help you engage in constructive discussions about Israel, we have provided a response to 16 commonly asked questions on the conflict in Israel. You can access these using the link below.