Australian Director’s Update

Shalom Friends,

As I write this update, news of the recovery of six bodies of murdered Israeli hostages reminds me of how important our mission to the Jewish people and Israel is.  We seek to bring physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people and that’s what they need right now.  Your support for Israel Relief and Stand with Israel makes it possible, as we send funds to supply on the ground needs in Israel, such as food, medical supplies, bomb shelters and trauma counselling.

Your giving really makes a difference to Jewish lives.

We also give grants to local Jewish agencies, such as Jewish Community Services, the Menora Foundation, Megan David Adom (Israeli ambulance service), and a Holocaust Museum, accompanied with our heart-felt expressions of support.  Without exception, the response is warm, deeply appreciative and of great encouragement.  Your financial contributions enable these practical ways of communicating genuine love to Jewish communities experiencing fear generated by anti-Semitic actions in our own country.

Standing with Israel and the Jewish people is our privilege and current circumstances provide many opportunities to do so.  On one such occasion, a local Israeli thanked us for visiting her workplace and offering our support.  She even expressed confidence of our protection if things escalated to a point of threatening her personal safety.  I was surprised that she even considered that would be necessary, but was humbled by her trust.

Proclaiming Bible Truth

Another critical aspect of our mission is proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, which our two conferences in Sydney (June) and Perth (July) accomplished.  These “Israel behind the Headlines” conferences were well attended and received.  Four sessions by different speakers addressed Israel and the Church, Israel and the Land, Israel and the Nations and Israel and the Future.  Next year, this conference is planned for Adelaide on March 22nd and Brisbane at a date yet to be decided.

Each Sunday, ministry representatives speak in churches and if you want one to come to your church, just let us know and we will see what can be arranged.  It is so critical that God’s people hear God’s revelation concerning the future, especially regarding Israel, and we are available make it happen. 

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support, which undergird the ministry.  God bless!

Les Crawford

Australian Director

from $30.00
Dr Les Crawford

Dr. Les Crawford serves as Director for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Australia

Australian Director’s Update


Australian Director’s Update